What One Year of Being a Mother Has Taught Me

My baby boys birthday was this past weekend and I took a lot of time to reflect on the past year. This article may be a little all over the place as I list these things off this week so I hope you all don’t mind. Today I want to share not only the incredible things I have realized in motherhood but also the struggles I have over come or may still being going through in hopes it will make another mother realized she is not alone.

I thought I had my life all figured out before my little man came into the world and now my life couldn’t be anymore different. I realized when I had him, my life was meant for him. Truly nothing compares to being a mother.

From a young age I fell very career focused. I accomplished many things in my chosen career path fast but it never felt right to me, I always felt like I was missing something. I was missing my beautiful boy. A career in the 9-5 aspect wasn’t for me. Stay home motherhood and mompreneur life was for me. Without my beautiful boy I don’t think would be a thing. So my first lesson was a true blessing. Without my baby I wouldn’t have my personal branded growing business.

The Ups & Downs of Motherhood

Mom Guilt

This is a hot topic right? We all know we all go through it, in fact if you feel you have no mom guilt PLEASE send me a message on Instagram, I wanna know your secrets.

Mom guilt hit me in a lot of ways pretty much instantly and actually caused a pretty intense mental struggle for me. I felt bad doing ANYTHING that required me to walk away from my baby. I was neglecting my own health for a while which then was making me feel horrible about myself so I was in a no win situation.

No matter what you do as a mother you will always struggle with some mom guilt. A “what if” I’m doing something wrong feeling maybe. But I have found ways to lessen my internal struggle. I will take time to do as much as I can when someone else is spending time with my son. Do things for me during naps and after bed time. Newly, I have also started to take one day a month and focus it all on me and growing my brand so I have less to worry about doing when Im with my boy.


With Halloween and his birthday just passing I can honestly say one of the biggest things my son taught me is to enjoy these times. I mean REALLY enjoy these times. I have this new passion for going all out for the holidays and I’ve had so much fun with it. Really I have a new passion for all the little things in life because he has so much joy from the little things. Time goes so fast, before you know it your kids won’t care as much about these things, I have learned to really embrace it all.


I never pictured myself as a teacher, I was wrong. The world of parenthood and literally teaching your child everything is so eye opening. I never thought it would give me so much joy to teach him something new. My mind truly expanded with learning new parenting styles and learning child behaviors, something I hope to expand on someday for other new moms.


Postpartum taught me a lot about myself, Im not going to go into too much detail because I am planning a whole postpartum article but nothing truly prepares you for your whole body changing. Having my son taught me I need to love myself and every flaw I may see. I must smile through what I don’t like to teach him self confidence. Your mind tends to play tricks on you through common things like postpartum anxiety and depression, and I am definitely still struggling but it is okay. Things will get better if you stick to a positive mind set.

Thats it my loves! I hope you enjoyed today and its finally time to break out the gift guides! Next week i’ll have my first holiday post and I’m so excited. make sure to check out some of my previous posts my Montessori guide has been doing well with everyone and follow me on all socials to lets be friends.




Instagram: @gabbykoren



