5 Daily Activities For Skill Building and Child Development

Today we are going to be talking all about my absolute favorite topic as a mother, child development.

When I realized I was going to be a stay at home mother I quickly fell in love with child development and learning activities.

I spent months while pregnant researching and still find myself doing more research as he gets older.

I have put together a list of all of the basics when it comes to interaction with your child, so lets get into this.


Reading to our children is SO important. I believe this is stressed from most people pretty much as soon as your child is born. Not only are we building our children’s vocabulary, we are also building their listening skills. Books also help stimulate imagination as they listen to mostly fictional stories.


Coloring is so simple yet so effective. Your child is practicing fine motor skills with the small details, gaining creativity with the color choices and placement. While also working on focus while they work. we color with Water Wows by Melissa and Doug or Color Wonders Mess Free from Crayola.

Music Time

Music time can be many things from listening to music and having a dance party or actually breaking out some instruments. Either way, your child is learning new sounds, they may be practicing motor skills from banging on a drum or hitting a triangle just right. Lets not forget the creativity they build while they make their own music.

Independent Play

Independent play can be hard for some kids and some times it is that way for my son. I try to remember that I’m not a bad parent for giving him time to play alone that he is building skills in that time. Alone Tim his great for everyone even our kids. This gives them time to work on problem solving, while they work on new tasks and build the confidence from figuring it out alone. They can also work on creativity from accomplishing something in a way we might now have shown them or work on emotional regulation by not having us right there to see our reaction. For instance, if a child trips while walking from one toy to the next if they see our reaction or us making a big deal out of it they will cry even if they are not hurt. Try to not react to let your child regulate hoe they feel on their own.

Newton Baby

One on One Play

Im sure you all know the importance of one and one time with your child. This is the time you can teach them new things, while letting them know you have time for them in the busy life you live. It’s hugely important that our kids feel important but also heard. Try to spend your time talking to them or interacting with them on their level. Let them know they are equally respected so its not you just towering over them at all times.

Toddler Play Kits by Lovevery

BONUS: Sensory Play

My favorite, my everything, we LOVE sensory play.

This is such a creative outlet for kids of all ages but especially young kids. Building curiosity and creativity through the simplest of activities perfect for the current age group. I’ll leave my sensory play article here for some beginning sensory play ideas and don’t worry I’ll have another one soon. I could go on and own about how wonderful sensory play truly is but just know if you haven’t tried it with your kids you totally should.

That is it for today guys!

Thank you so much for being here. If you haven’t already make sure and check out my instagram for all of these daily activities in action @gabbykoren.

