10 Popular Items For Early Toddlerhood

This week is going to be a good one because favorites lists are one of the most exciting things to write about. Today I have 10 of our most used and loved items for early toddlerhood. My son is about to turn two and really be hitting his peak toddler year so I’m glad I have come up with this list to make it as fun as possible. Obviously you don’t NEED any of this, our babies will be perfectly happy and healthy with our love, food, shelter and clothing but these things are great add ons to life when we can have them.

Let’s jump right into it starting with kitchen must haves.


Children truly love to be involved in our daily routines and tasks as much as we can possibly include them. I cook a ton as a passion of mine and have found it to be such a good bonding moment with my son I have the biggest list of favorites for the kitchen.

Learning Tower

This is SUCH a must in my house and I’ve heard that from so many others. This allows your child to climb right up to counter level in a safe way. They can work right next to you with out having to worry about them falling . Obviously you still have to be next to them with close supervision but I HIGHLY recommend.

Metal Small Utensils

I have found plastic utensils to be very useless since you really can’t pick up much with them. I think small silverware is perfect for this age and my son LOVES to use his own utensils.

Straw Cup

Now we specifically love the Target milk jug straw cups but any straw cup to get our kids used to straws and moving away from bottles and sippy cups is a great option.

Plastic Knifes

Tovla Jr is the brand and they make plastic toddler knifes that will cut through food with out cutting them. I got these for my sons birthday so we can work on more cooking skills. I know he will LOVE them.

Small Table

As our children out grow high chairs, you may wonder what is next like I did. Now you can add a booster seat to your kitchen chairs so they can eat with you but we have fabric chairs that I am not interested in cleaning after every pizza or pasta night. So we went with a little table which actually not only works great for eating but my son can do activities or color while I cook as well right in the kitchen with me.


Bath Grip Mat

I don’t know about you but once my son out grew his baby tub I was so scared he would get hurt, the tub can be so slippery especially when they don’t know any better. We found the Munchkin mat to cover the most area and be the most secure.

Toy Storage

Toddlerhood is the peak for bath time play, the toys add up fast. Make sure you have a place to store them all that lets them dry so they don’t turn moldy. We went with the Boon frog that clips to the shower wall, we love it.


Open Toy Display Shelf

Another one of my favorite Montessori Ideas is the open toy shelf, instead of throwing all your children’s toys in a toy box, buy a shelf and display just a few at a time. Then you can rotate them out weekly. You will find your child actually enjoying their toys so much more.

Floor Bed

This is such a great way to encourage independence, we started out on a floor bed at 9 months old but I wish we would have went from a bassinet straight to the floor bed and we will be doing that with my next child. Make sure the have a save space to freely roam with out any harm in case by chance they did get up at night but if your babies are anything like mine they would just yell for you. We found that my son hated a crib and I’ve heard this many times. A larger bed with out confinement makes them so much happier.

Time In Space With Feelings Basket

We strongly don’t believe in time outs in my house but what we do is what I call time ins. Time to sit one on one with who ever is caring for him at the time and work on a focused activity or read a book from our feelings basket. That is basically just a basket in one corner of his tent where we go to calm down. As he gets older I will rework how these tools are used but right now it is working well for us.

That is it for today lovelies! I had so much fun with this one, I hope you love it. Let me know over on Instagram if you try any of these things out and how they work for you. If you didn’t know I started a podcast last week and would LOVE for you to check out!

If you loved this post, check out my toddler gift guide for some of our favorite toys too!

Thank you for much for being here another week.