holiday,  MOM LIFE

The BEST Stocking Stuffers For All Ages Holiday 2021

I know you all enjoyed my Black Friday list so lets keep the Christmas energy going and talk stocking stuffers today shall we?

I feel like I can come up with good gifts for pretty much everyone normally but I also like to do little gift bags or stocking stuffers for a few people as well. Most people can agree that’s where things get more difficult.

Today I want to give you some of my top picks for all age groups in hopes maybe I can help you.

Let’s start with babies.


Baby Banana Infant Teething Toothbrush– This works great as a teether since it has the textured nubs but it is also great to get your little one used to brushing.

Mushie Stacking Cups– These stacking cups are like a mom classic. Can be used in the bath, with sensory play, or just in the normal day to learn to stack.

Pacifier– Our personal favorite, and I know a lot of moms can agree is the MAM pacifier. Perfect little add on that will be useful, if you have a binkie baby.

Bright Starts Oball Shaker Toy– This is the perfect first rattle, its light, it makes noise and its still soft enough to chew on.

Crinkle Paper 2Pk– Easy enough you can squeeze it in if you are running out of room. Babies go crazy for these.


Sippy Cups: You could do like a nice insulated one, a good transition one or even get a custom one with their name on it.

Bath Crayons: When my son turned one he switched to just the big tub and we got into tub toys, this is a great time to get a bunch of fun tub toy options.

Bath Bombs– Maybe not for young toddlers but the bigger kids will think this is so fun and tons of places have natural clean ones.

Spoons and Forks: Toddlerhood is a huge step in eating, this is a great time to get spoons, forks, plates.

Snacks: I don’t know about your kids, but my boy LOVES snacks. He would be happy with all snacks a gift.


Crayons: Since they don’t really fully understand how to color until around this age, this is the perfect time to introduce crayons or any other coloring option.

Straw Cups: Getting rid of sippy cups and moving on to a cool straw cup will be so fun for them.

Card Game: Uno is definitely my favorite and a great add on gift

Play Doh: Play doh is so fun, so cheap and a great little addition especially if you got any kind of play doh play kit as a gift.

Candy: I would say a little candy wouldn’t hurt at this age range and the Christmas candy will be so fun.


Lip Balm: Quick, simple and cheap. everyone needs a lip balm

Nail Polish: grab a Christmas color or one of their favorites.

Hand Cream: Winter SUCKS for your hands, a good high quality hand cream is the perfect gift. I listed my favorite one here.

Fuzzy Socks: Listen, get the socks, and maybe add a foot cream with it. Yet again winter sucks, perfect way to get soft nice feet.

Chocolates: I cant speak for all women but most of us definitely love chocolate, a good high quality chocolate is definitely perfect.

Face Masks: Women love any gift meant for relaxing. a good hydrating face mask is perfect for all ladies.


Candy: I think the inner kid comes out in everyone around Christmas why not add to that with a ton of candies.

Phone Case: a nice cheap one or maybe an expensive more high quality one, whatever the budget fits

Razors: Introduce them to a good Quality razor or a razor bundle of their go to.

Toothbrush: I just found this clic tooth brush and I love it, the whole tooth brush or its replacements would be a great stocking stuffer.

Socks: Socks but like, make it fun? Pair of Thieves makes a ton of cool options. They also have father and son sets thats what my boys have.

Headphones: yet again, a good basic set or an expensive splurge like AirPods.

Charger: Everyone needs an extra charger, maybe get one of those big long ones like I have listed here.

Thats it for today lovelies!

I hope you enjoyed this and that it was helpful in some way. If you have any other ideas head over to my instagram and let me know.

