5 Ways to Properly Set New Years Expectations

You guys, welcome back, let’s talk New Years goals!

Im sorry for my break or if you didn’t know I was taking one, I needed some time to get reorganized and get prepared for the new year as I hope to hit some big goals with the website this year!

Can you believe it is 2022?

Today I want to talk about how to properly set New Years goals.

Im sure we have all been there, you set these huge goals with little to no plan on how you will get there and a month into the year you are discouraged or forgot about it. This is happened to me way more times than I would like to admit.

This year I have to decided to look at New Years goals in a whole new way and I thought I would give you a break down on how I plan to do so.

Vision Boards

Im sure you have made a vision board of some sort before, weather is was your dream wedding, what your future home would look like or an actual detailed board of what you want to accomplish in a certain amount of time.

I have made one plenty of times but always in a basic way.

This year however I have printed out very specific detailed images of what I want life to look like next year. Which goes a long with all the things I have listed next. The more ways you tell your brain this is how life is going to be the easier it is to avoid imposters symptom and go out and get it.

Instead of creating a vision board album on Pinterest, be very specific, very realistic and print them out. Create a detailed visually appealing board and put it up somewhere in your house that you can look at it every night before bed.

Typically your last thought before bed is what your dream about that night.

Make it a positive thought to the future.


Personally I think Manifestation and Law of Attraction go hand and hand. Instead of a “I would like my life to look like this” approach, you go with an “I already have it” attitude.

I have always been one to look at the things I don’t have and a lot of people are wired that way, but what if you look at all the things you have this year. Look at all the ways you are set up for success and to achieve you goals.

This year I wrote an ideal day for this year, for five years from now and for 10 years from now in a very realistic but HAPPY way. That is going to be my way to attract though things to my life.

Toddler Play Kits by Lovevery

Habit Building

It’s a new year, let’s throw out these bad habits.

This year we are building small habits to make our overall life better.

This will not only help you reach goals but it will also make you a more organized happy person, which maybe one of your goals.

Small Habits Im Working on This Year Include:

  • Making mine and my sons bed daily.
  • Self care as a top priority day and night ( check out the article listed for all self care tips)
  • Meditation and reading every morning
  • Working out for at least 15 minutes 5 times a day

How to Incorporate These Habits:

  • Reminders set on my phone
  • Setting things out in the places they will be used. (My book on my nightstand, my skin care on the counter Etc.)
  • Same daily routines

How to Get the Bad Habits OUT:

This year I want you to really think about things before we do them, my biggest bad habit is sweets.

I am excessive when it comes to over eating sweets. Everything in life is fine in moderation in my opinion so I need to work on that most.

I plan to really remind myself instead of saying all be better tomorrow to start by being better today.

Break Down Goals in to Monthly Challenges:

Make the experience fun.

Instead of saying I want to lose 25 pounds this year, say I want to lose 2 pounds a month.

That seems way more achievable right?

Then when you lose that 2 pounds you can get excited for yourself instead of feeling like you still have so far to go.

Do that will everything on your goal list and you will hit every goal by the end of the year.

Really, just find what works best with you and run with it. I hope this article helped you think up some new ideas to be the best you this year.

A few of my goals this year are:

  • Read 6 books ( listed below )
  • Consistent good quality work for my socials and website.
  • Building my small habits listed above

What are your top goals for this year, head over to my Instagram and let me know!

By the way, I have a new Instagram so if you have previously followed make sure to check out my new account.

Also, don’t miss out on all the fun, join my email list below for weekly Wednesday tips. Things like recipes, beauty tips, toddler activities and more!

Gabby Koren