Baby Registry Purchases I Made as a Second Time Mom

As second time moms, we tend to know a lot more about what we actually NEED and what is just unnecessary when it comes to making purchases from our baby registry. If you are like me and having your kids close in age, you were probably able to save a lot from your first child. I was lucky enough to have two boys so all of my first sons clothes are able to be passed down. I did however make a lot of bad purchases with my first child so I had quite a few things to get this time around.

My biggest tip for you, make a baby registry everywhere. Not only do most places offer a free registry gift, you will also get a discount code to make your purchases.

Now let’s talk about items I purchased this time around. As always, links below are affiliate links. I do make a small commission from all purchases made and it is hugely appreciated.

High Quality Car Seat

My first baby we went with a stroller carseat combo set that was really cheap and quite frankly, crap. We ended up only using it a few months and selling it to buy his big boy car seat way earlier than we wanted. After lots of safety research and price comparisons, we went with the Chicco Key 35 which also goes with our single stroller. All car seats are required to follow the same safety tests to be sold so choose what will work best for your family always but Chicco does tend to rate higher in crash tests.

Double Stroller / Wagon

I went back and fourth with this one a ton but we purchased the Jeep wagon. it does have an attachment for car seats, a canopy to keep sun off and tons of storage. I do wish we had a double stroller as well though because I take my son for walks daily. The wagons tend to be a lot heavier and harder to do simple walks with. It will be great with trips to the zoo or vacations and will grow with both of my boys. Since my first son is so tall, I wish I would have been able to go with the Wonderfold Wagon but it was just really not budget friendly.


My first son slept in his crib from birth and while that does totally work if you need it to, it made sleep regressions a lot harder because he couldn’t be that close next to my bed. This time around I purchased the Maxi Cosi bassinet that is very over sized so he can stay bedside longer. It was also important to me that all sides were mesh and breathable, while the pad insert was comfortable yet firm. This one checked all the boxes for me and I highly recommend. It also comes apart easily and comes with a bag for travel.

Bottle Warmer

While we will be breastfeeding, I will still provide bottles like I did with my first son. My first time around I tried warming the milk with warm water. That just simply takes to long when your baby is hungry. I think this will be a hugely helpful tool.

Wipeable Changing Pad

No more excessive sheet washing, now i’ll have a wipe clean changing pad for all the messy accidents. We went with the Skip Hop one below which was on the cheaper side and great quality.

High Quality Nursing Bras

I went through so many cheap bras my first nursing journey that I went on search for a high quality, comfortable one this time around. I found Kindred Bravely and actually partnered with them so I have a discount code for you too. They are SO size inclusive which was a huge selling point for me. As a “busty” woman, I was actually never able to find a pumping bra to fit me with my first son making my exclusive pumping journey really hard on us both. Kindred Bravely offers a whole size range in busty sizes perfect for the women that normally struggle in that area on top of the amazing comfort and quality. Use code GABBY15 for 15% off your first order on now!

Manual Hand Pump

I didn’t think this would be at all useful with my first but I was heavily influenced by the TikTok community and decided to get one this time around. With not having as much time for a full pump session this time around, I think this pump will be perfect.

Thats it for today, thank you so much for reading! Check out on 3/28/2023 for my first official article working for them. I am SO excited. Looking to read more? Check out my baby registry regrets and my newborn must haves now.