Top 5 Tips for Expecting New Moms

I was there, all new moms have been, you find out you are pregnant and the googling starts and if you are anything like me it doesn’t stop the whole pregnancy or once the baby is here. Thats probably how you came across this article in the first place so instead of the scary stories most posts will give you I want to give you helpful words of encouragement.

Stop Googling

Now i know google has plenty of beneficial information, but I highly suggest avoiding it. Pregnancy and newborn times can be really hard, every pregnancy and every baby is different. Googling can lead you to believe something is wrong when really thats just how the situation is. Trust your gut, motherhood truly teaches you how to be a parent. You will know when something is wrong. If you still would like more help, parenting books are a lot better at giving truthful reliable information.

Don’t Listen to Stories

This particularly applies to birth but can be the same for other things too.

Birth can be whatever you make of it I truly believe that, I would still like to share my birth story at some point if you guys are interested. I knew I could only take control of so much and that my body had to relax to make it easy on me and my baby. People most of the time never tell you the good about birth leaving feelings of worry and not joy for one of the biggest moments in your life. You have no idea how your experience will be until the moment so don’t take the negativity too seriously.

You Will Meet a New Version of You

Some new moms may only see small changes, I however truly feel I changed as a person and I had no idea that was coming. You have this little human that shows you truly what love is, which in my situation made me want to be a better person. You find out so much, you think you realize during pregnancy, but giving birth teaches you, that first look at your little one teaches you. More than likely you will become a whole new person which can bring you so much in life. My son brought me to the place I’m at today, he’s the reason I have this blog.

Looking in the Mirror is Different

This can mean so much, for me, almost everything I gained stayed and that was really hard for me in the beginning. I was expecting the “snap back” that most new moms talk about. I wasn’t so lucky, but you know that just means I have to get up and work harder and in the mean time remember that extra weight kept your baby safe. You grew your perfect little baby, so never feel hard on yourself. Take the time to thank your body for all it did for both of you.

Thats it for today lovelies!

Thank you so much for being here another Monday.

If you loved this, make sure to check out my What Motherhood has Taught Me post.

I would love to connect with you guys.

I posted my first YouTube video yesterday all about my 2021 Sephora purchases and follow my new Instagram so we can stay connected daily!
