lovevery 5-6 mont play kit

Is Lovevery Worth it? Full Review of The Sensor 5-6 Month Play Kit

I was a little late to the game starting with Lovevery, the kits start at 0-12 weeks. I went back and fourth about if it was worth it because of the price of the subscription. After finally taking the leap and buying the kits man do I wish I had them sooner. In this article I will break down my thoughts of each item in the kit, provide pictures, and comparable products.

If you came across this, Im sure you know what Lovevery is but let me give you a little summary how it works before we get started.

What is Lovevery?

Lovevery is a toy subscription service that takes the guessing work out of what toys are going to help our little ones development. The kits start at 0-12 weeks and now go all the way through 4 years old! They are a Montessori based toy service so all products in each box are made from assorted woods, metals and natural fabrics. Lovevery will ship the boxes right to your door every two months for the first year and every three months for the toddler years. Pricing varies depending on how you set up your subscription but they are around $80 USD for the first year and $120 USD for the toddler years.

So lets talk about the 5-6 month box.

Opening the Lovevery Play kit

Why We Started At The 5-6 Month Box

We decided to get the box at the end for my sons 6th month. I did it this way strictly because of the cuteness of the box. All of the boxes are insanely cute but this one really stood out to me, the wooden tissue box? Come on, SO stinking CUTE. Anyways, the important stuff, I know most people aren’t looking to spend money on toys just for the cuteness. So what does the box come with?

Lets get into into it.

Inside the Lovevery Play Kit

Whats Inside The Box?

So when you open the box the first thing you see is the insert that breaks down when to give each toy to your baby. lets go in that order shall we?

  • Play Guide: I LOVE that each box comes with a booklet full of tips for using the toys. It also gives you activity ideas and a list of current milestones.
  • Organic Cotton Rainbow Ball: Listen, I love that its organic cotton, but this one just seemed like a waste to me. My son was way past learning to grab things by this point so while it was pretty, he didn’t have much interest.
  • Tummy Time Wobbler: This is where I started to love the box. While he did know how to pick it up right away, it definitely would have been PERFECT for the 5 month mark. I found that placing this on a tray of water made it more difficult for him which helped build some more skill.
  • Play Socks: My son had just became obsessed with his feet at this time so he adored these. We still to this day use these if we are going in the car so he will have some entertainment.
  • ‘Parts of Me’ Book: Lovevery makes the BEST books. I love them, my son loves them, its a win win. Each box comes with a book and we have yet to be disappointed. They are simple yet educational.
  • Spinning Rainbow: This one was great while working with my son on learning to sit up. Its a simple toy that you can teach colors with but also makes a noise when spinning so it peaks their interest.
  • Magic Tissue Box/ Magic Tissues: This is what sold me. THE CUTENESS. I die. Anyways, this also has great educational value and when we got the box my son hadn’t quite figured it out. So watching him build the skill was great.

Should you Subscribe to Lovevery?

So as you can tell, so far I have loved my Lovevery experience. Do I think all of the toys in the box were super needed? No but for the price and the quality of the toys we do love it definitely seems worth it to me. Maybe to you it just doesn’t seem fit but you would like one of the toys. its probably the cute tissue box huh 🙂 Sadly Lovevery doesn’t sell toys individually but hopefully someday. I have found comparable items on Amazon.

Comparable items

*I may receive a small commission for any qualified purchase.

Target now sells individual Lovevery toys that are very similar to specific kit toys I listed my favorites above!