5 Easy Changes that will Transform your Hair

My first blog post, I am so excited! I thought I would start out with my most asked question over on Instagram, “How do you get your hair that long and healthy?” I changed a few things and BAM, I went from it being the same length for YEARS to growing inches in just months. Enough about my experience though right? you are here for the details so lets jump into it.

*disclaimer, I am NOT a licensed Cosmetologist. I am sharing the things I have done that worked for me that may also work for you.

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The Big Chop

I know no one wants to hear this, but the first thing I did was cut it to my shoulders. My hair hadn’t grown in years, I wasn’t ever getting it cut out of fear it wouldn’t grow back. I was using the flat iron EVERYDAY, with no heat protection, my sh*t was fried. Thats as nicely as I can put it. Ever seen that meme with the girl with the bad extensions? Super thin and stringy at the bottom. Yeah, that was my hair. So one day I just decided it was time. Thankfully I did or I don’t think any of the next steps would have worked.


I guess I kind of have a few things in one for this one.

Minimum Hair Washes

Firsts things first, I only wash my hair one maybe two times a week. Now this can definitely depend on the thickness of your hair, I’m not telling you to walk around being smelly. For my hair type, this is what works well. Find what works well for you and keep the washing to a minimum. Every time you wash your hair you are stripping the natural oils. If this is overdone, it can lead to frizz and breakage.

Cold Water Washes

I know, you think I’m crazy. I’ve been told this before any time I bring this up, but really. Its a game changer for not only your hair but your skin too. Some people will do this for the whole shower, I’m not one of those people. I get in with cold water to get it wet and I rinse my shampoo and conditioner out with the cold water as well. The rest of my shower I have my normal warmth. Find what works best for you but trust me, your hair and skin will thank you.


Look at that, I’ve got two for this topic too.

Clean Hair Products

A few years ago I started to go on the clean product kick and started to slowly change everything. If you really think about it it makes sense right? Having clean products could only benefit us, so why are all companies not clean? This I’m not sure on but thats not the point. The point is I switched my hair care products to all Pureology and my hair CHANGED. If went from dull, frizzy, and short to full shine, smooth and growing like crazy. I know Pureology is on the pricey side so find what works best for you. The clean ingredients is what matters most. Native and SheaMoisture are some great cheaper alternatives.

Minimum Hair Products

This was another big one for me, for a long time I would pile on the product. I slowly realized how much build up I was adding to my hair. The more build up, the more clogged your follicle gets which slows your growth. I switched to only using my Pureology 21 Benefits leave in spray after each wash and it works perfectly on its own. So just find one or two products, target what your hair really needs most in the moment.

Random small tips

Minimum Brushing

This one may seem weird or not possible to some but I only brush my hair about 3 times a week. Before I wash, after I wash and when I use heat. Other than that I don’t touch it for days. When you use a brush on your hair, you have to be very careful or you can damage it with out realizing. The pulling through knots or quick brushing can really damage your hair. Minimum brushing equals minimum damage in my eyes.

Minimum Heat

So I am not one to wake up every morning and touch up my hair. After I wash it, I let it air dry over night, (no need for a blow dryer). I wake up the next morning straighten or curl it and leave it alone until I wash it again. Going from using heat daily like I did in high school to only once a week has been incredible for my hair.

Silk Scrunchies

Now I used to use those horrible hair ties that would rip your hair out when you took it down. Not anymore, scrunchies for the win. Specifically silk scrunchies. Silk will glide out of the hair and scrunchies don’t grip it as tight so it prevents the breakage from happening.

So thats that you guys. All the things I did to save my hair. I wish I had before and after pictures for you. I thank each one of these steps for my now beautiful hair. If you loved this one check out my Skin transformation tips next. Make sure you are following me over on Instagram, I want to hear all the steps you try and if any of them work out for you!