The Things No One Tells You About Postpartum

Finding out you are pregnant can be overwhelming on its own right?

Then you finally make it through, you have this beautiful little baby looking at you and bam. They are handing you stool softeners trying to mentally prepare you for the first “movement” after.

The human body is truly amazing. WE are truly amazing ladies. WE make people, how crazy is that?

Afterwards though, we kind of go through it for awhile.

Today I want to talk about all the things I wish I would have known about postpartum before it was happening.

This is not to scare anyone, pregnancy, birth, postpartum, it is all truly beautiful and special. I just want to share my knowledge on the topic for other mamas that are like me and like to know things a head of time.

Even if you have already went through the postpartum phase I still highly suggest reading on. Just for a few laughs and look back moments, maybe some tips you can use for a future pregnancy.

So let’s get into this.

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The Aftermath

You never know how your experience will be, no matter how much research you do, you won’t know until your moment comes. Even if you have an outstanding experience the first time the second time can be 100% different.

This goes for birth but also postpartum.

What I can tell you is this, I always find it better to be prepared for the worst and hope for the best.

Now I made the joke about the stool softeners in the opener but like I had no idea? Nor did I really think about that part at all. All I could think about was how scared I was going to be to pee and the Frida mom Peri Bottle came in for the win with that, if you know, you know. Buy one mamas.

Postpartum is a whirlwind and I highly suggest to be overly prepped to make sure you have the most comfortable and peaceful experience.

I did a lot of research as far as the best postpartum items while I was pregnant and I feel like I tried it all so I want to give you a list of the best things I found.

A few other postpartum tips and top products are included in my hospital bag check list article here.

Postpartum Body Image

I planned to do a whole article on this, but I want to say, if you don’t have that “snap back” body it is okay. Body image after birth can be so hard, especially for anyone who struggled with body image before children like me. I have to remind myself all the time that I made a person. My body is capable of such incredible things. With time and effort I can achieve the body I will feel most confident in and the same goes for you.

Social media has a funny way of messing with out minds. The women we see on the internet back to pre baby body in weeks is just not realistic. Those who don’t have those instagramable bodies days later just don’t show off the body that created life to show that it is normal to look how we look. We are all still beautiful.

Baby Blues / PPD / PPA

Now, approximately 70-80 percent of women will experience baby blues which I was completely unaware of until after birth. I feel Postpartum Depression is spoken about so much because of how truly bad it is but if mothers have no idea that with the crash of hormones after birth you are bound to feel the “blues”. I plan to some day share my story of how Postpartum Anxiety truly consumed me as someone with high anxiety in daily life normally. For now I will say, try your hardest to not let these things rob you of the joy of new motherhood. Embrace the struggles, the good times, the late nights, the crying from you and your little one lol. The happy tears and the sad, embrace it all. With that being said if you find yourself truly struggling deeply please speak to your doctor immediately.

Postpartum Hair loss

I feel like I knew about this but I didn’t KNOW about this if you know what I mean. Postpartum hair loss effects 40-50% of women. If you are the lucky 50-60% congratulations, I thought I was going to be, but sadly I was wrong. I went many months with out noticing anything so I thought I was in the clear but everyone is truly different. Now at about a year and a half postpartum, my hair is growing back in. I almost included a picture of how crazy my hair looks. I wrote a whole article on postpartum hair loss I will link here. Below are my top products for healthy hair.

Postpartum Skin Changes

I wrote a whole article on this topic so I won’t go to much in to detail but I had no idea about this at all. I mean it totally makes sense, your hormone balance Is all over the place. The postpartum acne struggle was real and i feel no one talks about this, I want to know if you have had a child did you struggle with this? Check out my hormonal acne article here! Ive listed my top skincare products for acne skin types below.

Thats all beauties!

I hope you enjoyed todays article and could relate or prepare for some of the craziness of the after birth experience. Head over to my Instagram and let me know what you experienced in your postpartum phase. I love to get to connect with as many of you as possible.
